May 16-17, 2020
Our 2020 Flower Fundraiser Pickup is still on!
Here are details:
NMC Physical Education Building (NMC Campus Map)
Saturday, May 16 - 9am-5pm
Sunday, May 17 - 9am-2pm
Sunday, May 17 - 2pm All VOUCHERS EXPIRE
Basket Options
Order Form
Here are details:
NMC Physical Education Building (NMC Campus Map)
Saturday, May 16 - 9am-5pm
Sunday, May 17 - 9am-2pm
Sunday, May 17 - 2pm All VOUCHERS EXPIRE
Basket Options
Order Form
- Customers will pull up in the circle drive in front of the NMC Phys Ed Building. (Customers will not be permitted in the building)
- If there is not a spot in the Circle Drive, customers are to remain in the cars in the Maple Lot until a spot opens up.
- Once, in the Circle Drive, customers will hand their ORDER FORM and STUB through their car window to an NMCCC parent volunteer and pop their trunk.
- An NMCCC parent volunteer will then go get the flowers and bring them to the vehicles. (NMCCC volunteers will be in gown, face shields, and gloves. We encourage customers to wear facemasks as well.)
- Customers will NOT be able to select their individual products as in the past. No extra items available for purchase, no sales on site.
- It is imperative that we practice good social-distancing throughout the NMCCC Flower Fundraiser Pickup. We appreciate your patience as we work through this new pickup procedure.